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Τετάρτη 14 Ιανουαρίου 2015

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Ένα ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για το πως μπορούμε να βάλουμε στόχους καθημερινούς ή μακροπρόθεσμους και να τους πετύχουμε. Δυστυχώς αυτά που οι ξένοι μαθαίνουν σαν πρώτα βήματα στη ζωή τους, τα δικά μας σχολεία δεν μας τα λένε ποτέ ή θα αρχίσουν να τα λένε μετά από 50 χρόνια.
Ξεκινώντας σπουδές  - σε ένα οποιοδήποτε ξένο πανεπιστήμιο - αυτό είναι ένα από τα πρώτα πράγματα που μαθαίνει κάποιος και πραγματικά όταν δουλεύεις με αυτό τον τρόπο έχεις αυξημένες πιθανότητες να πετύχεις αυτό που θες. Δεν είναι κάποια μαγική συνταγή, είναι απλά μυστικά για το πως ένας άνθρωπος πρέπει να οργανώνει τα θέλω του..

Reaching Success With Smart Goals

Expert Author Jerrix Arceneaux
S - Stands for specific, which means that your goal needs to be spelled out very precisely. Using language that leaves no doubt as to what the goal is, why you want to achieve the goal, and how you will get there is very important. If you are not able to be detailed in your description of the goal, it will be hard to meet it. Take the time to do this part right.
M - Stands for measurable, which means that you should be able to use this as a metric for which to determine success. If your goal can't be quantified, then it's not a full goal and you won't know how to tell when you've succeeded. An example of a measurable goal is something like: "I want to add 100 dollars per week of income to our bank by writing five 500-word articles each week for a life coach."
A - There are different things that "a" can stand for but it's usually actionable, assignable or achievable. The preference to really get something good done is to make your goal actionable, meaning something where you can do something for each day that will eventually result in an accomplished goal. Goals should also be achievable or you will only get frustrated. Be accurate about the time it takes to reach a goal, and what actions it takes to get there. Also, know who will be responsible for doing it.
R - This can stand for realistic or relevant, and either or both are important and are true. If you want your goal to succeed, it should most certainly be something that is realistic or you will fail. It should also be relevant to your life's vision and match with your values.
T - Various authors refer to the "T" in the S.M.A.R.T. acronym as time-bound, timely or traceable. All of these t's are important parts of the goal creating and setting process. If you don't set a time limit and you can't track what is happening, your goal will be hard to quantified or show as achieved.
Whichever words you use to help you craft your goals, the important thing is that you need to have a process to help you make smart goals. Smart goals are goals that you follow through on achieving and know when you've met them. If you practice this any goal can be achieved.
Cheers to your future and your greatness within it!
I invite you to view this article at my website.

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